Church Leader, Look for the Stories
A.A. Milne, the creator of the Winnie the Pooh series, wrote a short conversation between Piglet and Pooh. “I’m scared,” said Piglet. “A story will help,” said Pooh. “How?” “Don’t you
A.A. Milne, the creator of the Winnie the Pooh series, wrote a short conversation between Piglet and Pooh. “I’m scared,” said Piglet. “A story will help,” said Pooh. “How?” “Don’t you
We have a promise of a new identity as Christians. Yes, in Christ, we have been made new. But a lot of us struggle to shake off the old habits
A few weeks ago, my wife and son and I were waiting in a doctor’s office. Being a pediatric office, the staff obviously knew the struggle to keep a little
You know your people best. You know whether or not many of them are integrating their faith and work on a consistent basis. And given that, you probably know that
Have you ever been in a situation and you knew the right thing to do, but that was the last thing you wanted to do? If you’re a leader of
Are you looking for a great summer sermon series to preach? We’ve got you covered with God on Film. This 4-week series is ideal for the summer blockbuster season. With so
Do you remember where you were the first time you saw an “I love my church” t-shirt? I can’t remember the first place I saw it, but I know I
Have you ever experienced seasons when God just seems to be silent and aloof? We all have. And the people in your congregation are no different. Many of them are
Leadership is messy. You don’t have to have a degree in leadership or work a long time with people to figure that out. This isn’t just within the Church, but
One of the best things we can do for the people in our church family is to equip them to pray. If we want more people to be connected to
Over the last few days, it seems the whole world has been talking about a 14-minute sermon. This should encourage those of us who are called to preach. The next time
Photo by Adam Mason Photography Video review from New York Times bestselling author and pastor, Mark Batterson. Not too long ago, we had a chance to sit down with Mark
One of the most engaging and invite-friendly types of sermon series you can preach is one where you answer the questions everyone is asking in their heads. If you want
Recently, Pope Francis released a letter to Chilean Bishops. While I think there are serious issues left in the Catholic Church that must be reconciled and restored, I thought there
Wade Bearden thought he had faith figured out. But after watching friends die, losing two jobs, and seeing his own father diagnosed with cancer, Wade found his faith failing. Somehow,
I’m sure you’re leveraging social media to further your ministry. If you’re not, you should be. Jesus hung out at wells because wells were the social gathering places in ancient
No preacher will ever say, I don’t want another sermon illustration to add to my toolbox. Why? Because sermon illustrations show and tell. They bring flavor and color to a point of truth.
People leave churches for all kinds of reasons. They might move, their kids get older, their schedules change, the church moves to locations. They also leave for theological reasons. Maybe
Every youth pastor knows that middle school and high school are times of serious spiritual warfare. Everywhere students turn, they are being confronted by evil and that evil is always
It feels like more and more our culture is becoming more and more divisive. Whether it is politics, religion, sexuality, race. Everyone has a take, an opinion and we shout
Whenever we see a villain in a movie, in a book, or in real life, we rarely think, that could be me. Instead, we often let the pendulum swing the opposite
By Scott Magdalein, founder of TrainedUp If the fuel of leadership is vision then the engine is communication. A compelling vision without great communication is like a bus full of
In Christ, we have been set free. But what does freedom in Christ mean? Does that mean we can do whatever we want? That’s what freedom is. Or is it?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? It’s obvious that not all pastors are the same. We all have different gifts and different experiences that have shaped us into who
Have you ever encountered false teaching? Of course, you have. The apostle Paul did too and he spent a good bit of the New Testament addressing it. So what if
It’s time to retire the old mantra, “If you want it done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.” No doubt this includes ministers and pastors. We are not called
The book of Ezra is powerful. In it, we see God do what only He can do: reclaim and redeem His people. In our sermon series, Reclaim: The Book of Ezra,
Friendship. This is a subject that many adults don’t do well in. Many men admit that they don’t have many if any good friends and admit to being lonely. Many
I believe that every leader wants to create a healthy culture in their environment, whether they are in the ministry or church world, or they come from a business background.
People want community. Look no further than the host of social networks we hear about seemingly on a daily basis and you’ll see that people want to be with other
God’s love is extravagant. He pursues those who are lost. He welcomes those who return to him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares deeply for His sheep. And when someone
On any given week of the year, thousands of people will be making the walk from their car to the entrance of a church for the very first time. For
Leadership blogger and author, Brian Dodd, has partnered with Ministry Pass to provide a fantastic resource for pastors. His book, Timeless has been turned into a powerful sermon series on leadership.
Over the years I have worked in a small church, a medium church, and now at a 1,500 person multi-site. As I struggled at times trying to get the thing
Do you want to get Ministry Pass for a year for FREE?!?! (Value $499) We are giving away a one year, unlimited access membership to Ministry Pass. With this membership,
What happens when our emotions get the best of us? Does the Bible speak of joy, sadness, anger, and sorrow? If so, what does that look like? These are questions
Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.
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Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life
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