Deuteronomy: A Call to Faithfulness
Deuteronomy: A Call to Faithfulness

This five-week sermon series on the book of Deuteronomy unwraps the history and theology of the book, examining the relevance the book of Deuteronomy has in our lives today. All of us are called to remain faithful to God. This is easier said than done—life presents various challenges and distractions that seek to pull us…

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God On Film
God On Film

God on Film is a 4-week at the movies sermon series, using blockbuster spring and summer films to reflect on one question: What is God like? We all like to think we’re the writer and director of our own lives, but we all live under the sovereignty of another Power. God is in control of the…

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God On Film
God On Film

God on Film is a four-week at the movies sermon series ideal for the summer blockbuster season. With so many big-budget movies hitting theaters each summer, the people in your congregation and community can’t help but discuss the latest theatrical release. Why? Because films move our imagination and capture our attention like good art does….

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1 Kings: Kingdom & Covenant
1 Kings: Kingdom & Covenant

This five-week 1 Kings sermon series explores the key themes of this Old Testament book, delivering a researched series guide that includes five messages on the topic of godly leadership. At some point in each of our lives, we will lead others. It may look like parents leading children, coaches leading athletes, a boss who…

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Be The Switch
Be The Switch

In this four-week sermon series on community you and your congregation will explore what it means to “Be the Switch” in the place you call home. Every day, people live lives that they feel do not have a purpose. Every day, Christians struggle with the question, “How can God use me?” As believers in Christ,…

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This Is Our City
This Is Our City

This four-week sermon series titled, This is Our City, highlights the biblical responsibility we have in loving our neighbors, and how the treatment we give them affects our city or community as well. When we share an occupied space with others, we begin to see how people prosper when our city or community prospers, and…

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This Is Our Community
This Is Our Community

This four-week sermon series titled, This is Our Community, highlights the biblical responsibility we have in loving our neighbors, and how the treatment we give them affects our city or community as well. When we share an occupied space with others, we begin to see how people prosper when our city or our community prospers,…

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This four-week sermon series touches on God’s plan for the future, His Endgame. Can knowing God’s plan offer hope today? Endgame explores this question, emphasizing how when we focus on our understanding of God’s ultimate endgame, we can be encouraged to live impactful lives even now. Life is tough. Sometimes, we experience incredible pain and…

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The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs
The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs

This four-week sermon series helps to ground our views on romance, relationships, and desire in the Song of Songs to help foster a greater understanding of God’s plan for love and intimacy. Based on the book by Philip Ryken, The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs, this series enables believers to understand the…

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Micah: Walk Humbly
Micah: Walk Humbly

This five-week sermon series touches on what it means to walk humbly as demonstrated in the book of Micah. God expects believers to care deeply for one another and for the world around them. This means humbly serving one another- helping those in need without hurting feelings is a keystone in this ministry. When we…

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Prodigal: Finding Home
Prodigal: Finding Home

This three-week sermon series will emphasize the characters in the famous parable of the prodigal son; prodigal, older brother, and father. This sermon series focuses on finding home with God after feeling too far gone to be saved. Prodigal also challenges those who think association with God is equal to truly knowing Him as demonstrated…

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Every Good Work: The Book of Titus
Every Good Work: The Book of Titus

This four-week sermon series is on every good work as described in the book of Titus. This letter from Paul to his spiritual son, Titus, describes three levels of every good work. First, it looks at the good works of a leader. Second, it describes the divine works of grace and God himself. Third, it…

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This four-week sermon series looks at our identity in terms of being made in the image of God. Designed for today’s youth, the sermon series, Image, explores what it means to be a reflection of God and how that influences daily life. By understanding their identity in terms of God’s divinity, youth are able to…

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Sunday: He Has Risen
Sunday: He Has Risen

This one-week sermon focuses on the Easter message- He Has Risen! It is a celebration of Jesus conquering death. Sunday: He Has Risen delivers a researched sermon guide that explores the resurrection of our Lord under two different lights: First, the resurrection of Jesus accomplished our salvation and fulfilled God’s promise to us. Second, His…

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Death To Life
Death To Life

This Easter Sunday sermon celebrates Jesus conquering death, delivering a researched sermon guide that explores the resurrection of our Lord under two different lights: The resurrection of Jesus accomplished our salvation and fulfilled God’s promise to us. His defeat over death also made the immediate promise and presence of God known to his people; it…

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Easter Sunday: He Has Risen
Easter Sunday: He Has Risen

The variety of people gathered around the cross, subsequent to that initial Resurrection Day, is a picture of those gathered in church today. How many will move from death at Golgotha to life at the empty tomb?

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Easter Sunday: Jesus Is Alive
Easter Sunday: Jesus Is Alive

The variety of people gathered around the cross, subsequent to that initial Resurrection Day, is a picture of those gathered in church today. How many will move from death at Golgotha to life at the empty tomb?

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Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

This Easter Sunday sermon celebrates that Jesus is alive, and that all of humanity can personally experience life through our resurrected Savior! As Jesus hung on the cross, he had no need to pray for atonement for he was blameless and free of sin. But rather he confessed the sins of those who had falsely…

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Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

This one-week message for Easter Sunday is designed to challenge the skeptic and encourage the believer. It delivers a researched message guide that uses historical evidence & reliability to share the good news of our risen Savior. For some, the idea of the resurrection is easy to accept. Others, however, may find it more difficult…

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Holy Week
Holy Week

This sermon series on Holy Week is designed to be used over the course of five weeks, or may be used individually through the last week of Lent. This sermon series provides five message outlines, teaching on the final week of Jesus’ life that ultimately led to his empty tomb. In addition to the series…

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Resurrection Sunday
Resurrection Sunday

This five-sermon series is designed to either be used over the course of five weeks, or individually through the last week of Lent—often referred to as Holy Week—on the church calendar. This bundle includes a guide and graphic for: The Triumphal Entry Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday The church calendar invites us…

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Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday

This five-sermon series is designed to either be used over the course of five weeks, or individually through the last week of Lent—often referred to as Holy Week—on the church calendar. This bundle includes a guide and graphic for: The Triumphal Entry Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday The church calendar invites us…

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Good Friday
Good Friday

This five-sermon series is designed to either be used over the course of five weeks, or individually through the last week of Lent—often referred to as Holy Week—on the church calendar. This bundle includes a guide and graphic for: The Triumphal Entry Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday The church calendar invites us…

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Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday

This five-sermon series is designed to either be used over the course of five weeks, or individually through the last week of Lent—often referred to as Holy Week—on the church calendar. This bundle includes a guide and graphic for: The Triumphal Entry Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday The church calendar invites us…

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The Triumphal Entry
The Triumphal Entry

This five-sermon series is designed to either be used over the course of five weeks, or individually through the last week of Lent—often referred to as Holy Week—on the church calendar. This bundle includes a guide and graphic for: The Triumphal Entry Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday The church calendar invites us…

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Life In Color
Life In Color

This one-week series for Easter shows how Jesus’s death and resurrection was the most important event in history. This study is designed to work with the main Easter message and reinforce the importance of the resurrection to your church’s youth. It describes how we can see the significance of this event in multiple ways that…

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Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

This one-week series for Easter shows how Jesus’s death and resurrection constitute the most important event in history—an event that requires multiple images to form a full understanding of the hope and life that it offers.

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The Miracles of Jesus
The Miracles of Jesus

This seven-week sermon series on the miracles of Jesus explores how the signs and wonders He performed attest to His divinity. These miracles testify to Jesus’ limitless compassion for people and his longing to see people set free from bondage. One aspect often missed when studying scripture is that Jesus did not perform miracles all…

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Us vs. Them
Us vs. Them

This four-week sermon series on relationships will explore the relational dynamic between members of the church and those outside of it. We can allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us to those outside the church, but our actions will be more effective than our words as we seek to foster kingdom-building relationships. When we…

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This four-week youth sermon series on choices and betrayal includes four messages that depict the faithfulness of Christ and his love and redemption in our brokenness. We all have denied Jesus in some way at some time, but Christ still shows us love and restoration. He does not condemn us for our moments of struggle…

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The Talk
The Talk

This three-week youth series, The Talk, focuses on helping students navigate what it means to live sexually pure, by God’s design. With a proper understanding of their own sexuality and need for connection, students can live in a way that honors God and others. The Talk equips young people to think critically about what it…

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The Great Betrayal
The Great Betrayal

This four-week series deals with those who betrayed, denied, and abandoned Jesus leading up to his crucifixion. Through examining Peter, Judas, and the other disciples’ unfaithfulness, we can ultimately see the faithfulness of Christ and his love and redemption in our brokenness.

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Whitewashed Tombs: A Life of Hypocrisy
Whitewashed Tombs: A Life of Hypocrisy

This four-week sermon series explores whitewashed tombs, or hidden sins in the lives of religious leaders. This sermon series reminds us Jesus was harsher with the religious people of his day than he was with the blatant sinners that religious people looked down on. Whitewashed Tombs will explore the various ways Jesus interacted with the…

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Ashes: The Glory of the Gospel
Ashes: The Glory of the Gospel

This six-week Lent sermon series exposes the rebellious nature of sin and helps you teach your people about the beautiful resolution offered in the hope of the gospel through a researched series guide. In our world it is common to minimize our own actions and, thus, minimize our responsibility in the problem. But the season…

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This five-week sermon series introduces youth to the big picture narrative of scripture- the timeline of events from creation through the resurrection. This series introduces how God works throughout history while showing where our place is in the timeline. The focus is on what God does in us and through us based on the events…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas