The Book of Haggai: Renew The Vision
The Book of Haggai: Renew The Vision

This three-week series explores the theme of true worship in Haggai. By calling the Hebrew people to rebuild the temple, God led them in a renewal of the heart. In the same way, when God calls us to consider our own actions and how they impact our worship, he will lead to a renewal of…

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Numbers: Preparation For Promise
Numbers: Preparation For Promise

God is always pointing us somewhere, but sometimes it isn’t always clear where he’s pointing us. As we wait for his direction, God will shape us and teach us how to trust him. However, the danger of waiting is that during that time we can grow restless, frustrated, and even disobedient. The book of Numbers…

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The Book of Joel: The Day of the Lord
The Book of Joel: The Day of the Lord

This four-week series covers the hope and mercy found in the book of Joel and in his prophecies. This book highlights issues of repentance, judgment, and restoration of people who find a merciful God in the midst of their chaos. We should read the book of Joel knowing that the Lord may discipline us but…

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The Book of Lamentations: Grace In Grief
The Book of Lamentations: Grace In Grief

Grace In Grief is a 5-week in-depth series over the book of Lamentations. Using Jeremiah’s account of Jerusalem’s downfall as a template for sin and suffering, this teaching explores the range of human responses to pain, difficulty, and correction. By observing God’s judgment of Judah, Lamentations explores the character of God, and His patient love…

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The Book of Isaiah: Freedom For All
The Book of Isaiah: Freedom For All

This six-week series shows God’s holy and perfect presence redeeming sinful and broken people. God’s people have rebelled and forgotten the great work of the One who saved and rescued them. Through a series of prophecies, God warns his children of the consequences of their disobedience, while ensuring them future hope and comfort through the…

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The Book of Jeremiah: A Hope And A Future
The Book of Jeremiah: A Hope And A Future

How can we remain faithful to God even when many of the people around us are not? What are ways we can share the gospel, even when we face opposition? This five-week series explores the life and ministry of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah’s ministry was characterized by opposition, suffering, and a message that his people…

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The Book of Ezekiel: New Heart, New Spirit
The Book of Ezekiel: New Heart, New Spirit

God desires to change our hearts for his glory. Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” For the lost, this change is repentance and a new heart; and for…

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The Book of 1 Kings: A Great People
The Book of 1 Kings: A Great People

This five-week sermon series on the book of 1 Kings is one of the best prisms to examine the topic of godly leadership. Through the lives of kings like Solomon and Jeroboam and Ahab, we are invited to consider what it might look like to follow God’s expectations as leaders and what it might look…

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The Book of 2 Kings: Faith In Faithlessness
The Book of 2 Kings: Faith In Faithlessness

The book of 2 Kings covers almost 250 years of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah, focusing on rulers, prophets, and the many different currents that ultimately led the Hebrew people to the Babylonian exile. This series will consider six people whose chose to remain with God or to turn away from him. Through…

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The Book of Daniel: Unshakeable Faith
The Book of Daniel: Unshakeable Faith

This eight-week sermon series explores the key themes in Daniel: the sovereignty of God, the importance of faithfulness in the world, and God’s redemptive plan for his people. By focusing primarily on the life of Daniel, we gain a powerful picture of a faithful person and his challenges living in a hostile culture.

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The Book of Proverbs: Beauty In Wisdom
The Book of Proverbs: Beauty In Wisdom

This six-week sermon series explores the beauty in wisdom and the results of folly as defined in the book of Proverbs. The book of Proverbs was originally written to a young man by his elder in an attempt to pass down both godly wisdom and instruction. This sermon series explores two main themes: How can…

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The Book of Ecclesiastes: Remember Your Creator
The Book of Ecclesiastes: Remember Your Creator

This five-week sermon series challenges every believer to “remember your creator” especially when life seems to be less than desired. When life feels meaningless, when work loses all sense of significance, and when we search for worth in our toil and pleasures, Ecclesiastes reminds us that these longings are intended to draw us closer to…

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X Marks The Spot
X Marks The Spot

This four-week sermon series introduces us to “X marks the spot” and the person who stands there waiting for us. It challenges believers to keep their gaze fixed on Jesus, the “X” on their discipleship map. Discipleship is a lifelong journey, and it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose our sense of direction along the…

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Christmas In July: The Story Continues
Christmas In July: The Story Continues

This four-week sermon series emphasizes the real message of “Christmas in July” and how the birth of our Lord is relevant all year long. It’s a fun and informative way to bring the incarnation of our Lord to the forefront of our minds everyday, not just in December. This is also a series that can…

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Colossians: Christ Alone
Colossians: Christ Alone

This six-week sermon series on the book of Colossians looks at the simple truth that Christ alone is sufficient for Christians. This vital book of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul to the saints at Colossae, encouraging them to not be fooled by false teachers. Colossians: Christ Alone serves as a reminder…

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To Timothy: Spiritual Leadership
To Timothy: Spiritual Leadership

This eight-week study of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy explores the key principles of spiritual leadership expressed in Paul’s letters to his spiritual son, Timothy. The key question proposed in this study is through the power of Jesus, how might we better lead others to God? Not everyone is called to be a minister of…

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Paul: Apostle of Christ
Paul: Apostle of Christ

This six-week sermon series on Paul, an apostle of Christ, reviews his extraordinary life. Often Christians lose sight of the Apostle Paul as a man, seeing him only as a significant historical character in the Bible. This sermon series looks at his entire life: his journey as outlined by his testimony before King Agrippa, his…

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2 Kings: Faith In Faithlessness
2 Kings: Faith In Faithlessness

This six week sermon series on the book of 2 Kings is a companion series to the 1 Kings series and covers almost 250 years of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. This series focuses on the rulers, prophets, and events that ultimately led the Hebrew people to the Babylonian exile. It takes a…

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The Book of 2 John: Hold Fast
The Book of 2 John: Hold Fast

This two-week series explores the importance of truth—both practicing and protecting it. The epistle of 2 John paints a beautiful picture of the truth Christian community is built upon, demonstrating that this foundation results in love. These two ideas—truth and love—are not competing ideals but deeply and inextricably connected necessities for Christian community.  

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The Book of 3 John: Walk In The Truth
The Book of 3 John: Walk In The Truth

This one-week series explores the themes of hospitality and humility in the book of 3 John. This short and personal letter explores the dynamics of leaders in the early church and demonstrates the necessity of both truth and love in our communities. 3 John: Walk In The Truth is a great sermon to preach between…

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Prove It: The Book of 1 John
Prove It: The Book of 1 John

This seven-week sermon series asks believers if they truly know God, and if so, to Prove It, since a Christian’s life should be living proof of their connection to the Father. Essentially, our sacrificial love for others is a testament of our sacrificial love for God. The apostle John talks about living a Christian life…

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Walk In The Truth: The Book of 3 John
Walk In The Truth: The Book of 3 John

This one-week series explores the themes of hospitality and humility in the book of 3 John. This short and personal letter explores the dynamics of leaders in the early church and demonstrates the necessity of both truth and love in our communities. 3 John: Walk In The Truth is a great sermon to preach between…

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This five-week “Staycation” sermon series reminds us that we don’t have to go across the world to serve God. Being on mission doesn’t require airfare or luggage. While mission trips can be beneficial, often the greatest ministry a person can have is in their own community. “Staycation” encourages the church to serve and love others…

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The Book of Nehemiah: God Rebuilds Us
The Book of Nehemiah: God Rebuilds Us

This six-week sermon series on Nehemiah: God Rebuilds Us shows firsthand how God fulfills His promises. God spoke to Jeremiah during the exile and called him to rebuild Jerusalem. Despite the hardship and pain the Isrealites faced, this amazing story shows how every one of the promises God spoke to Jeremiah were fulfilled. This series…

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Flirting With Disaster
Flirting With Disaster

This five-week sermon series talks about what happens to Christians when we start Flirting with Disaster. We are called to be obedient to God, living a holy life. He wants to use us while we glorify Him through our actions. Yet, temptation is all around us—lust, greed, and envy. How do we avoid these obstacles…

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Made For Mondays: Faith Beyond Sundays
Made For Mondays: Faith Beyond Sundays

This four-week sermon series challenges us to have faith beyond Sundays and covers the issues that arise when we idolize the weekend. Christians often suffer from the Monday blues due to a poor perspective of our purpose in everyday living. This series will cover stewardship, rest, and contentment through the lens of our workweek. Use…

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The Book of 1 Samuel: One True King
The Book of 1 Samuel: One True King

This five-week sermon series looks at the theme of a one true king as demonstrated through six major events and the people involved. 1 Samuel covers just over a century of Israel’s history—recording the foundation of Israel’s kingdom and the travail that birthed it into being. It is centered around the life of Israel’s last…

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The Book of 2 Samuel: After God’s Own Heart
The Book of 2 Samuel: After God’s Own Heart

This seven-week sermon series examines some of the major events that formed the kingdom of Israel and shows how those formations shaped David into a person after God’s own heart. This 2 Samuel sermon series covers the subjects of mercy, compassion, sin, and repentance. Each of the seven messages explore the timeline of Israel and…

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The Book of Judges: Our Deliverer
The Book of Judges: Our Deliverer

This six-week sermon series looks at the book of Judges, exploring the character traits of each of the judges. The judges of Israel oversaw the nation between Joshua’s death and the establishment of the monarchy. Each week’s message focuses on a thematic deliverer story and how God is faithful to use His people then and…

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The Book of Ruth: Redeeming Love
The Book of Ruth: Redeeming Love

This four-week bible book series delves into the grace-filled redemption found in the book of Ruth. Despite the tragedy that marks the lives of Ruth and Naomi, a desolate woman and her childless, foreign daughter-in-law, we witness God’s lovingkindness. This lovingkindness is shown in the book of Ruth, echoed and ultimately shown through the life,…

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Finals: Small Steps to Big Success
Finals: Small Steps to Big Success

This four-week sermon series is designed to equip youth with the right skills to make small steps to big success. Students take exams every spring to review what they have learned in the last year, their finals. It takes time to learn and grow, to understand all the material taught over the year. Spirituality is…

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The Book of Leviticus: Holy Consecration
The Book of Leviticus: Holy Consecration

This five-week sermon series address the concept of Holy Consecration as outlined in the book of Leviticus and how to apply these instructions to our lives today. The book of Leviticus details the holiness of God, the Old Testament sacrificial system, and the Law of Moses. By considering the Law’s demand for holy living and…

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Keeping Up: Learning To Be Content In Life
Keeping Up: Learning To Be Content In Life

This four-week youth sermon series talks about learning to be content in life. We live in a society where the temptation to compare ourselves to others is often inescapable. We compare ourselves to others via possessions, looks, and relationships. The constant message is to keep up with what everyone else is doing, saying, and wearing….

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Pentecost: The Comforter Has Come
Pentecost: The Comforter Has Come

This four-week sermon series looks at the work of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, since Pentecost. This series addresses six common questions: What did Jesus promise us about the Holy Spirit? How did the early church demonstrate the truth of those promises? What does the Comforter do for us as believers? What is our relationship…

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The Book of Deuteronomy: Choose Life
The Book of Deuteronomy: Choose Life

All of us are called to remain faithful to God. This is easier said than done—life presents various challenges and distractions that seek to pull us away from our purpose to love God and love others. This five-week series deals with the history and theology of the book of Deuteronomy, examining its relevance to our…

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

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22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas