20 of the Best Sources for Sermon Illustrations
Much of Jesus’ preaching and teaching was showing his listeners his points rather than just saying them. He used sermon illustrations all the time. And we should too. Often times,
Much of Jesus’ preaching and teaching was showing his listeners his points rather than just saying them. He used sermon illustrations all the time. And we should too. Often times,
Humility. Wisdom. Servanthood. Imagine if more people were characterized by those qualities. In a time when social media is at its peak, self-centeredness is common across all ages. That, combined
Picture this: you and your team have a full day with a few church leaders you respect the most. They don’t live in the same area as you do, so
What does it look like to follow Jesus? It looks like grit. It looks like radical obedience in a world that is radically disobedient. It means going against the grain,
Many preachers aren’t administratively minded. I know that is a total over simplification of people and pastors, but generally speaking, my experience finds that to be a true statement. It
A sermon series on leadership. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it necessary? No doubt. Popular blogger, leader, and author, Brian Dodd has a new book out and we’re excited to
Ministry Pass is excited to announce that we are offering our very first internship role. We are looking to add a passionate and motivated student to our growing team. This
Jealousy. Envy. We all feel it. We look at people in our field of work, we look at other parents, other athletes and wish we had what they had. We
What is the Christian faith? To answer that question, many pastors and theologians have turned to the book of Romans. In it, Paul lays out our desperate need for restoration,
I have had the privilege of leading a church of 220-250 partners through two three-year capital campaigns which raised over 1.2 million dollars for the sake of major building renovations
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Jesus spoke these words in Mark 1:15 as he was beginning his
We’ve all done it. We’ve all spent time on it. We’ve all made the mistake. As a preacher, you spend time in preparation. If you plan ahead, the weeks coming
Our world can sometimes make us think that everything is falling apart. But God’s word gives us hope. It tells us that God is in control, that He does have a
There is an explosion happening to how people consume content. Many people’s commutes, exercise sessions, and grass mowing is accompanied by audio in the form of podcasts. As an avid
In the beginning, God created. Later, He created man in His own image. He saw that His creation was good. God is an artist, a creator, a painter, a writer, a poet. He
Most churches have some kind of First Impressions team. You may not call it first impressions, you may call it guest services or greeting, but most churches have some type
If you were put on the “hot seat” and your congregation was encouraged to ask you tough questions on tough issues, what do you think they would ask? Here’s the
Ministry is a full plate. And sometimes it can be overwhelming. Counseling session here. Sermon prep there. Develop some leaders here. Board meeting there. Future planning here. Staff coaching there.
What do you think is one of the most misunderstood doctrines in all of Christianity today? In my experience, it has been ecclesiology – the Church. With this misunderstanding, we
This is the second in my short series of articles about leading change in our churches. In my first post, I talked about how brokenness and boldness are always connected.
Marriage done God’s way is beautiful. It’s not built on romantic love alone, but on a foundation of following God and His will. Marriage requires work. But when both husband
You know the drill. You set a goal. A really big one. One that will stretch you, challenge you. It’s hard. Really hard. When we stretch ourselves, often we believe
Awe and wonder. When was the last time you experienced them? What do you think would be the answer for your congregants? It’s easy for everyday life to snuff out
Evernote is a go-to tool for a lot of preachers. While it isn’t without fault, the app is a great way to capture bits of information and store them until
In many circles, the book of Revelation is one of the most ignored books of the Bible. And yet, it could be one of the most relevant to our day
If you’re anything like me, you need to focus. There are times when you need to hunker down and get things done. Yet, your mind wanders. You daydream or think
Sometimes the most surprising of stories and circumstances can teach us the most about life following God. Scripture is packed full of small and unknown stories that pack a big
Leadership is difficult. Leadership isn’t for the faint of heart or the person who wants to have everyone like them all of the time. It requires a solid backbone and
The last thing that tends to be sanctified is a person’s bank account. You’ve heard the various versions of that statement. But from experience, we can see that to be
Target left bunch, Philly special. That’s the name of the play that the Philadelphia Eagles ran near the end of the first half in Super Bowl LII. It’s the play
One of the biggest difficulties in genuinely following Jesus is reaching reconciliation with others. As pastors and church leaders, we know that helping our people do this is something we must do.
How do you know if you are preaching effectively? We need a little more than the pleasantries of worshippers as they shake hands with us after worship. Anyone can say,
Before any major event, we prepare ourselves in anticipation. We get our minds, our hearts, and our bodies ready for whatever lies ahead. The season of Lent is a lot
What is leadership? We all have a word image that pops into our minds when we hear that word. Maybe it’s someone you’ve admired from a distance that, when you
I have the privilege of preaching nearly every Sunday, and I have also had the privilege of being in the room when all four of my children were born. Stick
You want to reach the unchurched. At least I hope you do. Isn’t that why we got into this ministry gig in the first place? To love and reach people
Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.
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Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life
Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas